¿Desea obtener información sobre cómo realizar la configuración de proxy saliente de Docker? En este tutorial, vamos a configurar un servidor Docker detrás de un proxy para acceder a Internet y descargar las imágenes de Docker mediante las variables HTTP_PROXY y HTTPS_PROXY.

Tutorial relacionado con Docker:

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Tutorial Docker – Proxy Configuration

Create the required Docker folder named docker.service.d.

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Create the required Docker file named proxy.conf.

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Edit the Proxy configuration file from the Docker service.

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If your proxy requires authentication, add the the following configuration to the Proxy file.

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In our example, we set the proxy server using the 3128 port.

In our example, we authenticate the Docker proxy access using the username bruno and the password kamisama123.

If your proxy does not require authentication, use the following proxy configuration instead.

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In our example, we set the proxy server using the 3128 port.

Reload systemd manager configuration.

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Restart the Docker service.

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Congratulations! You have finished the Docker proxy configuration.

Testing Docker – Download Image Using Proxy

Before adding the Docker proxy configuration, you are not able to pull a docker image.

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After adding the Docker proxy configuration, you are able to pull a docker image.

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You have finished the download of a Docker image using a proxy server.