Would you like to learn how to do dual Ethereum Classic and LBRY GPU mining? In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to GPU mine Ethereum Classic and LBRY using the software Claymore Dual and a Nvidia GTX 1080 GPU on a computer running Ubuntu Linux.
Hardware List:
The following section presents the list of equipment used to create this Ethereum Classic GPU Mining tutorial.
Every piece of hardware listed above can be found at Amazon website.
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Tutorial - Ethereum Classic + LBRY GPU Mining GTX 1080
First, you need to create a new account on the Minergate website to become a member of the mining pool
We are going to use MINERGATE to mine ETHEREUM.
Second, you need to create a new account on the Suprnova website to become a member of the mining pool
We are going to use SUPRNOVA to mine LBRY.
On the Suprnova website, you also need to Create a Worker username and a Worker Password.
Take note of your worker username and worker password.
On the Linux console, use the following command to update the package database.
# apt-get update
Download and install the Nvidia GTX 1080 GPU driver.
# mkdir /downloads/driver –p
# cd /downloads/driver
# wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/9.1/Prod/local_installers/cuda-repo-ubuntu1704-9-1-local_9.1.85-1_amd64
# dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1704-9-1-local_9.1.85-1_amd64
# apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-9-1-local/7fa2af80.pub
Download and install the most recent Nvidia GTX 1080 patch.
# cd /downloads/driver
# wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/9.1/Prod/patches/1/cuda-repo-ubuntu1704-9-1-local-cublas-performance-update-1_1.0-1_amd64
# dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1704-9-1-local-cublas-performance-update-1_1.0-1_amd64
Update the apt-get database and install the CUDA package.
# apt-get update
# apt-get install cuda
Edit the .bashrc file from the root user and add the following lines at its end.
# vi /root/.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.1/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.1/bin:$PATH
Now, you need to reboot your computer.
# reboot
As our last step, download and extract the Claymore Dual GPU Miner software.
# mkdir /downloads/miner -p
# cd /downloads/miner
# wget https://github.com/nanopool/Claymore-Dual-Miner/releases/download/v10.0/Claymore.s.Dual.Ethereum.Decred_Siacoin_Lbry_Pascal.AMD.NVIDIA.GPU.Miner.v10.0.-.LINUX.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf Claymore.s.Dual.Ethereum.Decred_Siacoin_Lbry_Pascal.AMD.NVIDIA.GPU.Miner.v10.0.-.LINUX.tar.gz
# rm epools.txt dpools.txt
To start the Dual Ethereum Classic and LBRY GPU mining use the following command, as an example:
# ./ethdcrminer64 -epool etc.pool.minergate.com:45777 -ewal virtualcoin.videos@gmail.com -esm 2 -epsw x -dcoin lbc -dpool stratum+tcp://lbry.suprnova.cc:6256 -dwal virtualcoin.lbr -dpsw 123 -allpools 1 -ftime 10
As a requirement, you need to change the username virtualcoin.videos@gmail.com from the command above to your username.
Keep in mind that the username virtualcoin.videos@gmail.com was used only as an example.
As a requirement, you need to change the LBRY worker username virtualcoin.lbr from the command above to the worker account that you created on the Suprnova website.
Keep in mind that the LBRY worker username virtualcoin.lbr was used only as an example.
The computer was able to obtain the following Ethereum hashrate: 20.83 Mh/s
The computer was able to obtain the following LBRY hashrate: 19.97 Mh/s