Would you like to learn how to perform a Freeradius installation on Ubuntu Linux? In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install Freeradius on Ubuntu Linux and how to access your radius server for the first time.
• Ubuntu 18.04
• Ubuntu 19.04
• FreeRadius 3.0.16
In our example, the Freeradius server uses the IP address
In our example, a Network Switch uses the IP address
In our example, a Linux server uses the IP address
Both Linux server and the Network switch want to authenticate on the Radius database.
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Tutorial - FreeRadius Install
On the Linux console, use the following commands to install the FreeRadius service.
# apt-get update
# apt-get install freeradius
Now, we need to add FreeRadius clients to the clients.conf;.
Locate and edit the clients.conf.
# locate clients.conf
# vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf
Add the following lines at the end of the clients.conf file.
In our example, we are adding 2 client devices:
The first device was named SWITCH-01 and has the IP address
The second device was named LINUX-01 and has the IP address
Both devices will offer a login prompt to authenticate on the Freeradius server database.
Now, we need to add FreeRadius users to the USERS configuration file.
Locate and edit the Freeradius users configuration file.
# locate freeradius | grep users
# vi /etc/freeradius/3.0/users
Add the following lines at the end of the file.
Restart the Freeradius server.
# service freeradius restart
Test your radius server configuration file
# freeradius -CX
Freeradius Authentication Test
Test your radius authentication locally on the Radius server using the following commands:
# radtest bruno boss123 localhost 0 testing123
Here is an example of a successful radius authentication:
We are using the Bruno username and the boss123 password to authenticate the user account.
The testing123 is a default device password included in the clients.conf file.
Now, go to the Linux server included on the clients.conf configuration file as LINUX-01.
Install the freeradius-utils package.
# apt-get install freeradius-utils
Test your radius authentication remotely on the Linux server (LINUX-01) using the following commands:
# radtest bruno boss123 0 vegeto123
Congratulations, you have successfully installed the Freeradius server.