Learn how to efficiently transfer files using Python sockets. Explore a step-by-step guide on implementing secure and seamless file transfer protocols in Python.

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What is Socket?

A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network. It can be thought of as a door between the application process and the underlying network protocols. Sockets allow communication between two different processes on the same or different machines. They provide a way to pass data streams between the client and server over a network.

Is it possible to send files using Sockets?

Yes, it is possible to send files using sockets. Sockets provide a means for applications to communicate and exchange data, which can include files of various types such as text files, images, audio, video, and more. By using appropriate protocols and encoding methods, files can be transmitted over a network connection between a client and a server or between two different processes.

Why transfer files using Sockets?

Transferring files using sockets allows for customized protocols tailored to specific needs, enhancing efficiency by reducing overhead. It enables real-time data exchange, ideal for applications requiring immediate communication. Developers gain low-level control over data transmission, optimizing the process for speed, reliability, and security, although it may require more manual configuration and handling compared to higher-level methods.

Tutorial Python – File transfer using Sockets

Create a server script to receive a file transfer using Sockets.

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Here is the Python Sockets server script.

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Start the Socket server on the TCP port 65432.

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Create a client script to send a file using Sockets.

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Here is the Python Sockets client script.

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Send a file using the Sockets client script.

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In our example, we sent a binary file named CALC and saved it as RECEIVED_FILE_HERE on the server.


In conclusion, leveraging Python’s socket functionality for file transfer enhances customization and real-time data exchange. Understanding socket programming empowers developers to create efficient, secure, and tailored file transfer solutions.