Learn how to create Python classes with Dataclasses. Simplify data structure definition and management, enhancing code efficiency and readability.

• Python 3
• Python 3.12

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What is a Python Class?

In Python, a class is a blueprint for creating objects, providing a means to define the attributes and behaviors of a particular type of object. It serves as a template to create instances that share common properties and functionalities.

What are Dataclasses?

Dataclasses is a module in Python that provides a decorator and functions for automatically adding generated special methods to classes. It simplifies the process of creating classes for storing data by reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed for common tasks such as initializing instances, comparing instances, and creating string representations.

What is the difference between class and Dataclass?

A class in Python is like a recipe for creating objects, while a Dataclass is an easier way to create these classes especially for storing data. With Dataclasses, you need to write less code for common things, like storing information and displaying objects in a readable form.

Why use Dataclasses?

Dataclasses in Python are useful because they simplify creating classes to store data. They automatically generate special methods, saving you the time and effort of writing this code manually. This makes it easier and more efficient to create simple, readable data classes in Python.

Tutorial Python – Create a class using Dataclasses

Create a Python file.

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Create a class using Dataclasses.

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In our example, a class called DbzCharacter was created. The class has five attributes, and the EYE_COLOR attribute has a default value.

Create an instance of this class.

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Using dot notation, access the values of each attribute.

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Create the __STR__ method to define how the class instance is represented as a string.

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Display a string representation of the instance.

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When the print function is called, Python implicitly invokes the special STR method for the class instance.

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Here is the Python script.

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It is also possible to configure an attribute as optional.

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In our example, the value of SS_LEVEL can be an integer or NONE.


Optimize your Python code with Dataclasses for simplified class creation and enhanced data structure management, streamlining development efficiency.