Would you like to learn how to monitor SNMP devices using ElasticSearch on Ubuntu Linux? In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install Logstash on Ubuntu Linux and how to collect SNMP information from other devices from your network.

• Ubuntu 20
• Ubuntu 19
• Ubuntu 18
• ElasticSearch 7.6.2
• Logstash 7.6.2

In our example, the ElastiSearch server IP address is

In our example, we are going to install Logstash and use a plugin to poll for SNMP information.

Tutorial Logstash – Installation

Use apt-get to install the required packages.

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Find the Java installation directory.

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In our example,  Java is installed on the following directory: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64

Create a file to configure the required Java variables.

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Here is the file content.

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Reboot the computer.

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Verify if the system created automatically the environment variable named: JAVA_HOME.

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Here is the command output.

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Download and install the ElasticSearch repository key.

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Add the official ElasticSearch repository to your APT database

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Update the APT-GET database and install the Logstash package.

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Configure the Logstash service to start automatically.

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Congratulations! You have finished the Logstash installation on Ubuntu Linux.

Tutorial ElasticSearch – Monitoring SNMP Devices

Stop the Logstash service.

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Install the Logstash plugin to monitor SNMP devices.

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Create a Logstash configuration file.

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Here is our file content.

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In our example, we are monitoring the SNMP device:

In our example, we are using the SNMP community named GokuBlack to retrieve information.

In our example, we are capturing the following SNMP information:

• Network interface index
• Network interface description
• Network interface speed
• Octets received
• Octets transmitted

We are sending the information retrieved to the Elasticsearch server on

We are also displaying the information captured on the screen.

Start the Logstash service using the new configuration file.

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Here is the command output.

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Verify if the Index named SNMP was created on the ElasticSearch server.

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Here is the command output.

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Verify if the mapping of the index named SNMP.

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Here is the command output.

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List the content of the index named SNMP.

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Here is the command output.

Copy to Clipboard

Congratulations! You are able to monitor SNMP devices using Elasticsearch.