Would you like to learn how to install ElasticSearch using Docker on Ubuntu Linux? In this tutorial, we are going to show you all the steps required to perform the ElasticSearch installation using Docker on a computer running Ubuntu Linux in 5 minutes or less.

• Ubuntu 18.04
• Ubuntu 19.10
• Docker 19.03.6
• ElasticSearch 7.6.2
• Kibana 7.6.2

In our example, the ElasticSearch service will listen on the TCP port 9200 and 9300.

In our example, the Kibana service will listen on the TCP port 5601.

Tutorial Elasticsearch – Docker Installation on Ubuntu Linux

Install the Docker service.

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Download the ElasticSearch docker image from the online repository.

Copy to Clipboard

List the Docker images installed on your system.

Copy to Clipboard

Here is the command output:

Copy to Clipboard

Start a new ElasticSearch container using this Docker image.

Copy to Clipboard

Here is the command output:

Copy to Clipboard

In our example, the ElasticSearch image was used to start a new container.

The new container is using the local ports 9200 and 9300.

The container ID is 2ff94bbd12109861c6d10afae3191b2efcc4b99f34cb9049d8ef27d6212da5e4.

Use the following comand to test your ElasticSearch installation.

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Here is the command output:

Copy to Clipboard

Another way to test your Elasticsearch installation is to use your browser.

Open your browser and enter the IP address of your ElasticSearch server plus :9200.

In our example, the following URL was entered in the Browser:


The ElasticSearch RESTAPI interface should answer your request:

elasticsearch install ubuntu

Congratulations! You have finished the ElasticSearch Docker installation on Ubuntu Linux.

Tutorial Elasticsearch – Docker container management

Verify the status of all Docker conteiners using the following command:

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Here is the command output:

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Verify the status of the ElasticSearch container using the ID or its name.

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Here is the command output:

Copy to Clipboard

To stop the ElasticSearch container service, use the following command:

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To start the ElasticSearch container service, use the following command:

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To restart the ElasticSearch container service, use the following command:

Copy to Clipboard

In case of error, use the following command to verify the ElasticSearch container logs.

Copy to Clipboard

In our examples, we demonstrate how to manage the Elasticsearch container using its ID or the name previously defined.

Tutorial Kibana – Docker Installation on Ubuntu Linux

Download the Kibana docker image from the online repository.

Copy to Clipboard

List the Docker images installed on your system.

Copy to Clipboard

Here is the command output:

Copy to Clipboard

Before we start, stop and delete any existing Elasticsearch container.

Copy to Clipboard

Create a new Docker network named Elastic.

Copy to Clipboard

Start a new ElasticSearch container connected to the Docker network previously created.

Copy to Clipboard

Start a new Kibana container connected to the Docker network previously created.

Copy to Clipboard

The Kibana container will start and automatically connect to the ElasticSearch container.

Keep in mind that both docker images can take a while to initiate.

Congratulations! You have finished the Kibana Docker installation on Ubuntu Linux.

Kibana – Dashboard login

Open your browser and enter the IP address of your server plus :5601.

In our example, the following URL was entered in the Browser:


The Kibana web interface should be presented

kibana welcome screen

Congratulations! You have access to the Kibana web interface.