Explore the power of Python with MySQL databases. Learn efficient data management techniques, leveraging Python’s versatility for seamless database integration in this comprehensive guide.

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What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). It is widely used for managing and storing data in various types of applications, ranging from small-scale to large-scale enterprises. MySQL is known for its scalability, robustness, and ease of use.

Why use MySQL with Python?

Using MySQL with Python offers scalability and robust performance for efficient data management. With its reliability and strong community support, MySQL integrates seamlessly with Python, making it a popular choice for various data-driven applications and projects.

Is MySQL good for Python?

MySQL is well-suited for Python, offering a robust and reliable database solution that integrates seamlessly with Python applications. Its compatibility, performance, and strong community support make it a popular choice for many Python developers working on projects that require efficient data management and storage.

Tutorial Python – Using MySQL database

Install the MySQL database.

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In our example, we installed it on a computer running Linux.

Access the MySQL service as the ROOT user.

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Create a database.

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Create a user account.

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Grant privileges over the database created to this user account.

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The MY_PYTHON_USER account will be allowed to access the DRAGONBALLZ database.

Test the MySQL connection to the database using the new account.

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Install the required Python package to connect to the MySQL server.

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Create a Python file.

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Import the required module to connect to MySQL.

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Establish a connection to the database.

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Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands.

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Create a table in the database using the cursor.

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This creates a table in the connected SQLite database. It defines the table’s structure with five columns: ID as the primary key set to auto-increment, NAME, SPECIAL_MOVE, SS_LEVEL and EYE_COLOR.

Insert data in the table.

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Save changes to the table.

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Query all information stored in the table.

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Display the information retrieved as a tuple.

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Here is the command output.

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Display the information retrieved as a formatted string.

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Here is the command output.

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Optionally, query the data using the column names.

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Here is the command output.

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Optionally, query only for specific fields.

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Here is the command output.

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Close the connection to the database.

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Here is the complete Python script.

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Harness the power of MySQL in Python for efficient data management. Learn to seamlessly integrate MySQL with Python, enabling robust database operations and streamlined data handling for enhanced applications.